

Thursday, October 7, 2010

CW - Character Sketch

So, our latest project was to do a character sketch. 2 pages (double spaced, so 1 page) that reveals your character. This isn't an event, but a showing of "who" (I started typing this out, then I realized that I'd gotten the wrong prompt and I had to start over. ^-^' ).
So, this is 3rd person. Not 1st. As in he/she.
Give their physical description.
Let them talk some. How do they act? How do they respond to others? Use good sensory details. It might help to have them interact with another character.
(And we had some examples we read in class too, which is why you should take a real class on this considering my blog posts will never substitute a real class).

Now, last night I had to write this. Except Ellen forced me onto Skype (It's Mom's account so I'd never used it before) and she started telling me about her assignment in creative writing. Once again, she's challenging the norm. Her poem is cut up into pieces and the reader may arrange the stanzas to their whim. Hey, post it, OK, Ellen?
As usual, Ellen's hyperness rubbed off on me a bit. And then, not helping at all, Crystal started chatting with me and we were talking about our stories.
So, when I finally started writing the assignment last night, I was in an odd, bouncy mood in addition to being tired (I think under normal circumstances, I would probably do a very normal and interesting character sketch, but not last night). It took a while to think of a character cause I have lots of notes about possible characters, and lots of characters that I've already used. Finally, I settled on Katani. I started writing in my odd mood. It sounded kind of odd at first, and I kinda froze about a page into it. Then Katani got annoyed about what I was writing about him and decided to take over.
So, yeah. Ellen, it's mainly your fault for how this turned out, but I blame Crystal too.
I wonder what the teacher's gonna think...

Katani never felt different. For the most part, he looked pretty normal. At 16, he was of average height and faintly dark skin. His dark brown hair was long enough to fall in front of his eyes in wavy locks. In fact, his eyes were the most amazing thing about him. His eyes were a vivid blood red that made passersby double take. Katani had lost count of the number of times people had commented on his eyes. A few years ago, it had reached the breaking point and he’d cracked.
“Holy cow! Look at that! Never seen the like!” The man turned and stared at Katani’s retreating back, having hust seen beneath the boy’s hair to his face. Katani continued walking, hands jammed in his pockets. It was infuriating how people could act so inconsiderate.
“Eyes like a demon, he has!”
Katani froze, trembling. He whirled around and stared coldly at the man. The man recoiled slightly at the withering look from those red eyes.
“Then I guess you’d better watch out, hadn’t you?” Katani turned and continued walking. As he retreated, he heard the faltering voice say none too softly,
“Looks like those demon eyes really do suit him.”
His blood continued to boil for a while until his senses caught up with him. Then he started feeling stupid. Yeah, he knew people thought that, but most weren’t careless enough to say it so loudly. He couldn’t help what he looked like.
Katani usually didn’t let his temper get the better of him. For the most part, he was calm and cool. But it bugged him how people assumed that he’d fly into a rage for any little thing because he had scary eyes. Except sometimes he did get mad. And when he got mad, he got MAD.
Katani’s friends no longer thought about his red eyes. True, Garrett would often tease him about it, but it wasn’t in the infuriating generalized way that strangers had. It didn’t really bug Katani, because if he poked Garrett in the side, his friend would double over and let out an amusing squawk and the topic would be lost. Len was indifferent, and Lari thought they were very cool.
With his friends, Katani could relax and goof off. It was the only other place besides home where he could do that. He was usually more reserved around those he didn’t know quite so well.
“… Hey, Katani! Knock it off! Move! I need to finish my paper!”
“What are you writing about? What… this is about me!? Why are you focusing on my eyes so much? My eyes don’t govern the rest of my life! And I only get mad when I have to. If you have to write about me, couldn’t you at least have wrote about the school and the stupid sorting? Or the beach and the games I used to play with Lari, Len, and Garrett?”
“Heheh. Sorry. Too late. Besides, you’re fun when you’re embarrassed. It’s a whole different side of you.”
“Seriously! Most people don’t even notice my eyes! People don’t go around staring into other people’s faces to see what color eyes they have! Most people never even notice!”
“See, you’re focusing on your eyes too. And for the record, I think your eyes are awesome.”

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