

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Worlds and Emotion

Ellen, seriously! You don't know the third world? It's the place where we wrote our story! Soreina, the dragon world! You wrote it yourself on the post! Hahahah! And then there's Magic-Earth and Technology-Earth.
Yeah, I kinda realized that I write some of this blog stuff without summarizing important stuff that's actually in my stories. I'm sure I wrote this a looong time ago, but I'll write it again.
But before I do that, I had another field trip for my class today. And we had to come home the long way because a certain festival made it really hard to go home the normal way. SO, I thought "Ellen lives in this direction!" So, I called her and we had lunch today, which was totally unexpected and really fun and I got to try the scones she's been raving about. Nicole will be jealous. Heheh. I keep calling her and she never picks up! Bleh.
So, when Ellen asked me what the third world was and I told her, she just kinda smacked herself in the forehead. Heheh.
And Ellen told that scary story at Halloween a few years ago while someone was making scraping sounds on the couch, and Nicole got really freaked out. That was funny! And then I actually read that story (cause they had XXXHolic at the library, and I prefer to read manga in hard copy instead of on the internet cause it's easier on my eyes and I don't have to wait for pages to load-more on that later). So, I read that scary story in the actual manga and went "HAHAH! I know this story! And now I know where Ellen learned it!"
Back on task.
Shadow Split is the name of one of my stories. What you were probably thinking of are the "Great Splits." And The story "Shadow Split" includes information on one of the Great Splits. It's confusing. I'll mention this once I set everything else up.
So, what I'm about to tell you I first decided upon in my "Lullaby of Awakening" story a looong time ago. And I liked it, so I built on it and added Soreina eventually.
So, here's how I told it. There started out as being one Earth. Then humans began to evolve. From what I learned, modern humans arrived about 30,000 years ago. When humans appeared, the Earth knew that they had the power to change the face of the planet. So, she split into two, giving one Earth the power of magic, and setting the other Earth on the path to Technology.
Tens of thousands of years pass and the two planets continue to evolve with many things the same, but many things different.
And then on our planet, Technology-Earth, things start to get out of hand. Humans start going a bit wacko, which involves killing off all of the dragons and other creatures that possess magic. You may have heard of the dragon-slaying knights around the time of King arthur, and such? So, Earth splits again around the year 500 (The Second Great Split), creating Soreina. Earth then takes all of the magical creatures and some of the humans who are willing to live with those creatures (along with tons of normal animals) and she puts them on Soreina. All of the humans kinda got randomly scattered over the center continent, hence the lack of really solid cultures that resemble ours. This is the world where you and I, Ellen, wrote a certain story which happens to be over 250 pages long.
And you don't remember that planet!
Now, onto the story Shadow Split.
It takes place in present day. Once again, our Technology-Earth is causing problems. You may have noticed. Destruction of habitat, air pollution, plastic islands in the middle of the ocean, global warming, overpopulation, crazy laws, countries, and people. So, as we speak, Earth is attempting to bring about the Third Great Shift, to try to help our planet here get back on its feet. (It's more complex, but I'll stick with the basics for now).
Does that make any sense?

OK, onto the title of my post.
Also sort of a reply to Ellen's post.
It can be hard to write scary stuff. Even if a reader is already on the edge of their seat, if a story character leaps out and scares the main character, that won't be nearly as effective on the reader as if they saw it on a movie screen.
And then we have the opposite. Writing something funny. That can be hard too.
Sigh. It's hard to tell if what you're writing is funny or not. I want to get better at writing funny. I'm probably better at creating tension than writing funny stuff.

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