

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Haha! I agree. Libraries can be incredibly useful. Usually I have a ton of books on my shelf that I want to read. We got about $200 of credit at Book Buyers," (we take all our old books there) a really cool used bookstore, which also has new books, movies, games, music, comics, ex. So, if there's a book that looks good, I'll usually get it there. But lately, I've been going to the library to get other books. There's another I want to check out too, once I return the one I have.
Haha! Tidbit! That's great! A little bite of a feast. Then it wouldn't really be a feast, would it?
And yes, folk tales are cool. It's always interesting to read those kinds of things. Know any good ones? Tell me cause I wanna read em! We found a book of Russian folk talesonce. They were pretty cool. The Baba Yaga is a very interesting character, who occurs quite often. Her house turns in circles, and I think she rides a mortal and pestle. Not sure how that works.
Exercise that creative part of your brain, Steph!
If you want help with the comic, ask. I tend to get carried away with things like that, sometimes (you may have noticed) so watch out, though!
And when I start a project, I will FINISH it! Unless it turns out really horribly. It may take me FOREVER to finish it, but I will FINISH it. For example, we went on a canoe trip, and some kids decided that it would be cool to start "whittling." Some of them started making cups, but I got a little piece of drift wood and started making a canoe. So, we spent our time carving away at hunks of wood with our pocket knives (mine snapped shut on my finger, but I still went rock climbing after. I get hurt so often that I usually don't care anymore). Yeah, so I got the canoe outline done, and then it sat in my closet FOREVER. And finally I got a little chisel thing from my uncle and I hollowed it out and sanded it. It's slightly crooked, but it floats really well! Maybe I should post a picture. Don't got much else to do on the blog at the moment... Yeah. Another of my random digressions.
Knitting can be fun. I've hardly done any, but I sometimes sew stuff. My dad asked me to fix a pair of his gloves last night. They were leather, so they were really hard to sew. At least I didn't stab myself.
Oh yeah. Last night, I started typing my story! It's weird to have to change the whole beginning. It'll throw off some other parts of my story, but I'll get it eventually.
Started typing at 10:27. Isn't that fascinating?

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