

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A (LONG) Random Post of Insanity!!!

So this will be the first installment of my Random Posts of Insanity!!! with three (count them!!!) THREE exclamation points. So anyway the three of us are doing some free writing, i.e. fictional stories, fanfictions, short comic strips, and other stuff!!! ^_^ But if you're reading this chances you are actually Tara and/or Nicole...well i guess you can't be both...or can you...??? Tara has a whole bunch of stories, some of which I've read, like Wings of Wyverns (title pending), Lullaby of Awakening, a Twilight Princess Fanfic, a story about a werewolf, ghost, vampire, and a normal high school boy (Title in debate), and together we're working on a joint story about dragon familiars!!! Nicole has a somewhat fanfic about Inuyasha and Miroku, because she thinks it's funny when they have conversations and was mad at Rumiko Takahashi for lessening the amount they talk to each other, it's really good though!!! Right now it needs some work *cough* Nicole's lazy *cough* *cough* oh sorry bout that ^_^ I have a bit of a cold right now. I have a few stories right now, but their on hiatus because I'm especially lazy!!! and I dont have another me to tell me to work on them ^_^...I need to find a better smiley

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