

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My History

Since I commented on Tara's history and said she should post summaries of her work, I guess I cant be all hypocritical, now can I? Now I have to go digging through everything I've written!! Surprisingly it's actually a lot. I have the bad habit of starting things and then they die out after a while ^_^. I like to write stories with a little bit of strangeness, not like my normal weird-ness, but something different. I wrote stories from theives points of view, villans POV, and how perfect people really arent all that perfect. A long time ago I started writing a story on fictionpress.com, it was about a group of 13 kids of varying teenage years, who had control over (you guessed it) 13 elements. Each had their own power, but instead of making the angry person fire, I decided to make the Wind person angry. ^_^ like I said unconventional! I also have a fanfic of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time from Zelda's POV, and an Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic about what I thought would happen before book 2 (Before it came out of course ^_^). Now I'm working on a story about a school of warriors and mages, but only girls can be mages, and boys warriors, and some kids from different areas come and turn the school inside-out! They dont get along though...actually they hate each others guts (or they will as soon as I get that far). And another one is Demon King of Shadows...not! yes that's the title. It's about a notorious theif/murder at large in a medevial time period. Unknown to the government it's a girl, about 14-15 years old. If you havent noticed I kind of stink at writing summaries ^_^


Tara C said...

Eh, my summaries stink too.

Nicole S said...

I like the wind being angry. I can totally see that working.
Does this mean I have to post summaries of my work?