

Thursday, February 21, 2008


No, Stephanie (In case you're wondering, she posted a comment on the last post about how the people on this blog do not act like the rest of of my economy class. Ellen posted the results from her class too, in case you're interested.) You're right. None of the people posting on my blog are like the majority of our economy class. I like to think we'd all chose Y. We should try it some time, no?
But okay. Now to the reason I titled this post "showers." Let me explain. I'm nearing the conclusion of my alien story (still no title for it yet). I knew what was going to happen up to a certain point, then I had no idea what would happen after that. So, for the past few days, I've been trying to think of an exciting conclusion. And the solution came to me less than an hour ago. I guess the hot water of the shower jogged my imagination. This isn't the first time a nice hot shower has helped me think up parts of my stories. So I finally know how my storie's going to end. Nicole and Ellen know I was complaining about the non-existent ending earlier today, so you'll be happy to know that I got it mostly worked out. So, if you ever feel like you've squeezed all the creativity out of your brain, take a bath or shower.


E said...

Yay good job tara!! Now the only thing to work on is Reein's society!

Anonymous said...

Either that or do repetative work like emptying the dishwasher, or cutting a bunch of paper. 8D