

Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Win as Much as You Can"

So, yesterday in economy class (government class switched to economy class last week) we played a game. I'll say one thing. That game made my outlook on humans even bleaker. Here's the rules:
The class is divided into four groups. There are four rounds, and on each round, each group picks either X or Y.
If all 4 groups pick X, everyone looses a point.
If one group picks Y, they lose 3 points, everyone else gets one point.
If 2 groups pick Y, they each lose 2 points, everyone else gets 2 points.
If 3 groups pick Y, the Y groups lose one point, X gets one point.
So, the obvious goal is for everryone to pick Y so everyone wins equally. But let me tell you the results of my class's game. (Nicole is in my class, but she was absent this day, so she missed the fun).
For the first round, my group and one other group picked Y. The other 2 picked X. So we each lost 2 points, the other groups got 2 points. The next round, no one was to be fooled, so everyone picked X. Everyone lost points.
So, after this round, our teacher let our groups communicate with each other. So, our group swore to put Y, and all the other groups swore to put Y. So, we put Y, and everyone else chose X because they're all lying, greedy jerks. So, for the last round, the teacher made the points 10 timies the value. And guess what. Everyone put X. So everyone lost 10 points, and everyone ended up in the negatives. But our group, the only honest one, had the fewest points of all. Some humans are idiots who only care about themselves. So, if you're one of these people, get a life. Care about someone besides yourself.


Anonymous said...

Aggravating, but there is a small hope for humans, because this is, after all, your group and your friends who actually care for someone outside their comfort zone. Many lack any selflessness to do that. Take care of your friends and they will take care of you, because real friends care. :3

E said...

Sounds like my class, my group put Y first. Everyone chose X. Next round no one chose Y, everyone chose X. Round 3, 5 times the amount of points, everyone chose X...Need I continue?