

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Creative Writing(CW)-Senses

So, I said I'd post some actual examples of those 10-13 syllable sensory details.
They're the ones I wrote myself, so they're not professional examples or anything. I kind of tried to include a little bit of "background" to what I was writing so you could kind of get an idea what was going on. I'm not sure if she wanted that, or if it's supposed to be all descriptive. But here are some of mine.

Alone at night, a choir of crickets thrums sweetly
(I'm taking band at a different college this semester -one closer to my house since I couldn't fit band in my schedule at my main school. Besides I know the conductor at this place too. But band ends really late so I have to walk back to my car in the dark. But I get to hear the crickets.)

Trees reflection, like an impressionist painting.
(The window of the train had a strange texture, kind of making it look like it had raindrops sliding down it. When we stopped, I noticed a tree, and the window made it look like it was painted by Monet or someone.)

In a city, the sharp, fresh redwood scent startles me.
(Walking to class, I passed under 2 big redwoods. The scent hit me, making me stop and just inhale the nice smell that I didn't expect in a city.)

A breeze wafts the sweet aroma of roses to me.
(Again, at school, there's a rose bed with benches nearby. You can smell them when the wind is just right. And last year, there was this one small spot on campus that didn't have any flowers near it, but every time I walked by it, I got the scent of rose.)

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