

Friday, September 24, 2010

LTCW-Why I Write

So Tara asked me to post whatever exercises we had in my Creative Writing Class, and here's the first one.

Why do you write? What do you derive your inspiration from?

Ok so I made up the second question, but that's pretty much it. Why do you write?

Here's my first draft, mind it's only word vomit so it's not all that great and it's not complete.

In my mind everything is connected.

All ideas relate to each other in some weird ambiguous way. The only problem is that there are so many ideas, facts, theories, and questions floating around, I can’t make heads or tails about how it’s all linked together.

The moment I try to untangle the threads that connect every, even more questions arise, creating more ideas. Ideas that connect with everything else, but I don’t know how.

Trying to discover what is the invisible string is hard for me to do, even more so when the ideas are impermanent, and always changing.

What is the truth?

And how do they fit together in this gigantic jigsaw puzzle that is my mind?

And once I have a piece of my own puzzle complete, will the edge pieces of my puzzle mind connect to someone else’s?

Or maybe, just maybe, they’re already connected.

A recursive puzzle.

Recursion by a loose definition is something that uses itself as a building block for itself. Mathematically it is a function in which the function being defined is applied within its own definition.

So what better way to solve an abstraction of infinite recursive cycles than writing, which is in itself an abstraction of infinite interpretations that create the building blocks for all of the ideas in my mind that’s already connected to everything?

But it’s not that simple. Ideas aren’t like puzzle pieces. They don’t have only four sides to connect to. It’s more like the nerves in our brain with millions of tendrils to send synapses. So one idea could be both the cause and effect of the very things that created it.

In my mind everything is connected.

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