

Sunday, September 19, 2010


That was a lot of posts! And all in one day! Thanks for all the suggestions on what to do, I finally settled for doodling the differences between cats and people for that animal clan story.

I'll just go down that list you made me till I complete it! Yeah! But I dont have any of my plushie making stuff and there's no joann's or michaels where I can get to via bus. Or at least none that I know of, and not being a ridiculously long four hour ride there. -___- yeah buses are nice that they minimize exhaust and carpooling and that, but gaaaaah!!!!

I'm trying to draw everyday so I'll try to remember to post some stuff...actually I think I'll post some now.

Here's the cat/people differences picture I was talking about earlier. The writing on the side is how cat's express emotions, but because my sketchbook is so huge it doesnt fit in the scanner. Oh and I'll be coloring more with colored pencil and crayon and other traditional media cause I definitely need the practice. :D

Ok so there it is, I dont know if you can make out my chicken scratch writing, that and it's kind of small. But there's just some notes on what makes the people different than the cat person. I dont know if that will be my final design for the cat people, but it's something along those lines. Actually I should definitely alter it cause it's heavily ok entirely based off a character from a japanese anime movie called Juuni kouki (12 kingdoms). It's a good movie. Watch it! >:D

Anyway I think I'll upload this pic to deviantart too since I have it in my computer now.

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